“Beauty will save the world” - Dostoyevsky

Born and raised in South Carolina, I grew up around photography as my grandfather owned his own studio/business while my mother worked as his editor and secretary. Naturally, I gained an interest in the art which eventually developed into a passion. My attraction to photography coupled with my love for the beauty of the natural world led me to nature and landscape photography in particular. I became serious about my passion in January of 2020 and have since applied myself to learn and grow as much as I can as an artist, often spending hours at a time reading articles and bingeing videos by some of my favorite photographers on YouTube. Most importantly, photography has been a great excuse for me to have been able to see some truly incredible places, and the knowledge I have gained by simply being out in “the field” is second to none. I am deeply convicted that the beauty one encounters in nature is vital to the health and flourishment of the soul and I hope to provide a taste of that experience through my photographs.